Thursday, October 3, 2013

Rice Harvesting

As some of you may know, Yakage is in Okayama Prefecture. I came to Okayama two years to work with a non-profit after the Japan earthquake and tsunami. That organization is called AMDA, Association of Medical Doctors of Asia. They send people all around world to help those affected by natural disasters.

While working at the town hall one day, I was introduced to an older man who works as the head of some department. I thought to myself, "I feel like I've seen him from somewhere before." But I dismissed it as it was unlikely I would remember a face from 2 years ago. However, when he read my bio in the town newspaper he came back to me and told me that he was an AMDA volunteer and we discovered that we did in fact meet briefly two years ago at an event. He invited the other PiA fellow in Yakage and me to join him for an AMDA event in northern Okayama. We would spend the day harvesting rice to send away to Indonesia. The ensuing BBQ was delicious with some dancing afterwards. Great way to spend a Saturday.

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